
The secret of the relationship between Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez



There is no doubt that Jennifer Lopez lives one of her best moments. In the professional, in addition to triumph with each musical theme that publishes, the actress will soon release in the cinemas her new comedy Second Act; and personally, the singer says she is very happy thanks to the family she has formed with her partner, the former baseball player Alex Rodriguez, 43 years old. We are both very aware of how lucky we are to have found us, “says the interpreter of El Anillo in an interview with People, where she is the protagonist of the next cover of the magazine.

Lopez reveals the key of successful relationship with Alex Rodriguez

Lopez and Rodriguez, who started dating in early 2017, confess that the key to the success of their relationship was that their respective children feel comfortable with their union. “Our children have become best friends and that keeps us both connected and grateful. We could not have asked for anything better than the four of them get along with each other, “explains the former baseball player in this joint interview. “I loved her children very much and he loved and accepted my children, who embraced immediately,” the artist adds.

Families of JLo and Rodriguez

The singer has two 10-year-old twin sons, Emmy, and Max, the fruit of her marriage to Marc Anthony. Rodriguez, who is also divorced, is the father of two girls, Natasha, 14, and Ella, 10. The latest family image has been shared by JLo herself on her Instagram account, where the four little ones are seen together to his parents decorating the house for Christmas. The couple does not rule out going through the altar but says he has no rush or pressure to do so. “Of course, we think about getting married, but it will happen when it has to happen, naturally.”

JLo previous relationships

In the interview, Jennifer Lopez Says Previous Marriages and also talks about her previous relationships from which she learned to have found herself. He left with Ben Affleck for a year and a half and was married to Marc Anthony for seven years, until they separated in 2011, but with which he retains a great friendship. “I knew something was happening that I did not understand. He blamed other people: ‘he did this or he did the other’, until I said to myself: ‘No, it’s you.’

Precisely Lopez met Rodriguez when she was still married to Marc Anthony, although their relationship did not begin until March of last year. They coincided in a promotional event for her and the athlete called her hours later to invite her to dinner. His official presentation was at the Met Gala in New York in May and with a photo session and interview at Vanity fair, where they revealed everything they have in common. “We are both Leo, from New York, of humble origin and many other things,” he explained. “I understand him and he understands me in a way no one else could,” Lopez added. “In his twenties, he was very successful and they made him the best contract in the history of baseball until that moment. I made a movie and a record that were numbers one. We both had ups and downs and challenges in our 30s and by the 40s we had experienced a lot and, what is more important, we had worked a lot on ourselves, “the artist said of their similarities.

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